Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Party like it's our Birthday...

Hard to believe but I'd Rather Read is one year old today!!!  YaY!  I wasn't sure I'd actually get to this point when I started this thing. My hope was to find some new folks to chat about books with and maybe introduce some new writers to some old friends. I think we've been successful on both counts. I have some ideas for moving on into year two of the blog and, as you can see, we have a bit of a new look. I was in the mood for something different and I hope you all approve. If I ever actually get some real blogger skills, I look forward to personalizing the site even more.

I'd like to say thanks to everyone who visits the blog. I know you're out there even if you are too shy to comment. I'd also like to thank some of those shy folks for the nice emails. I love communicating with everyone whether on the blog or through email, so please keep them coming. I do want to encourage those of you who visit to join in though. We're a friendly bunch and I truly enjoy hearing your thoughts, not only on the topics represented on the blog, but on books and writers in general.  As I've said before this is not a classroom.  We're not doing literary analysis here.  We're talking and ranting and raving about books and writing that makes us feel something, whether it is joy or horror!  So please, as a birthday present to me, join in the discussion.  

I know that you guys will enjoy the pretty pics, so consider that a little birthday gift to all of us.  Plus, for everyone that leaves a comment on this post, you'll be entered into a random drawing to win a little gift pack of books!!!  I'll announce the winner on Friday. So, once again, thanks to all of you who have visited this year and here's to a future full of alpha heroes, smart heroines, crazy angst and great writing!  Cheers!!!

WINNER UPDATE****  We have a winner for the special birthday book snakpak and it is Moirae (the fates)!!!!  Yay for Moirae!  Moirae has/is an amazing blog for YA and adult fantasy reviews.  You'll find a link on the side of the page and I highly recommend a visit to this fabulous site!  Moirae, please send me an email with you address and I'll send your books out ASAP!  Thanks again everybody, your support means the world!  


  1. Thanks Eris! I think it's from Robin Hood, the famous armor scene...

  2. There might be something wrong with me, because I'll take a guy looking hot in a suit over shirtless any day. I know, right? Weird! But oh, suits... They're just my thing.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, bookblog!! I like the new look. Old books like that are so great! My mom has a set of 100 books (50 fiction, 50 plays/philosophy/history) all leather-bound like that. They're so gorgeous.

    So, what's in the book snack pack??

  3. Hey kin! I like love a hot guy in a suit as well. Or in period costume. Yum! The snak pak will contain a carefully selected group of books representative of the stuff we like to chat about here on IRR. And as a little change up, they won't all be new, there may be a classic or two in the bunch!

  4. That's awesome! Happy blog birthday!

  5. Happy first year! I love the new look.

  6. Belated Happy Birthday from Down Under!

  7. Thanks Erika! I hope your having an amazing time!

  8. Yay for pretty boys!! And happy blog birthday! Or is it anniversary? Happy either one! :)

  9. Where is he?

    :scroll down:

    Where is he?

    :scroll down:


    :scroll down:

    No, wait. There's Ciaran. We're good. Happy blogday, VP!
