Friday, April 22, 2011

And the winner is...

OK, I haven't actually chosen the winners yet, but I will be using the lovely randomnumber. org to do so later this afternoon. Entries will be cut off at 12 PM today and I'll list the winners just a bit later. Also, while I have enjoyed running this contest, and I'm grateful for all of the comments, it occurred to me that I was going to feel badly that folks might be disappointed if they don't win. Because I never want my blog to leave you guys depressed, everyone who left a comment is going to get a book! I wish I could give you all swag bags too, but there just isn't enough personal lubricant to go around.  Hahaha.

So, even if you don't "win" you still win!  Come back this evening for the updates. This just rocks! I love giving presents...


We have a winner!  Actually we have three winners:
 lizpar51086, Laura, and Edie!!!

You three need to send me your mailing addresses and I will get your swag bags on their way to you.

Thanks to everyone who posted and remember you are all getting a free book!  Just email me your genre preference, if you haven't already posted it and your mailing address and a lovely book will be winging it's way to you within the next week.  Thanks again everyone for your support.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.  This blog has been so much fun and I have some big plans for this next year, so stayed tuned...