Sunday, February 13, 2011

Singing the Winter Blues...

OK, let me just say that January was not my favorite month ever. Besides being busy, traveling across country for work and dealing with Atlanta's Snowapalooza 2011, I have been dealing with some health issues which don't seem to want to go away. All my way of apologizing for the lack of posts lately.  Time and energy have been in equally short supply.

That said, I have certainly been reading more than ever. I started the In Death series by JD Robb while winging my way to Cali and I am currently up to 24. I have decided to go ahead and read the entire series before reviewing, but I will say that I am surprised by how much I'm enjoying these books.

My trip to California was to attend the ALA Midwinter conference in San Diego and I was thrilled to get to meet many amazing writers, including several personal faves. Is it any wonder that I love my job?  The faves I mentioned include Neil Gaiman, T. Jefferson Parker and Stewart O'Nan! They were all crazy smart and funny and very gracious to their fans.  I managed to grab some great ARCs and I am still making my way through this sea of great writing, but here are a few I want to recommend:

If you haven't read something by these three, do so immediately.  They are all fantastic writers and truly cool people as well.  

Also want to give a quick thanks to Beth for her review of the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning.  I started this series last week because I felt like I owed Beth one and I basically devoured it and finished  it on Friday night! You all know that I'm not a fan of paranormals, but this was quite a wild ride and so much fun.  I'm going to give it a while to simmer and then post a longer piece on this one, but if you all are looking for something cleverly written, with interesting characters and one of the hottest male leads ever, then get started on this series now.  And, oh yeah, Ms. Beth, here's my vote for the TV Barrons...


  1. You still have never said who you thought would make a good Mac.

  2. Hmm, Mac is much, much harder. The problem is that she is so young and KMM makes it sound like she is sort of curvy and sexy. So many of the younger female stars these days are sort of stick figures. My mind immediately went to Anna Pacquin, but that may be cause she plays Sookie so well. A young, pretty southern woman who has to deal with all sort of violent paranormal things. Yeah, I may be taking the easy way out there. WHo would you cast as Mac?

  3. That's a tough one. There are a few girls who could play her. Brittany Snow and Nikki Reed are two people who come to mind right now. Brittany could pull off the ditzyness of Mac at first but she can pull off the seriousness of Mac in the later books.

    Nikki on the other hand could pull off the Mac in the later books better. Plus she could do Mac's snarly attitude a lot better.

  4. See, it's really tough. Mac changes a good bit during the series and it is hard to think of a young actress who could pull that off.
