Sunday, October 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Clive Owen!

Happy 46th Birthday to Clive Owen, otherwise known as my boyfriend!  He is my imaginary boyfriend, you know, the one that I am allowed to drool over and fantasize about even though I adore my husband of a zillion years.  Clive is a great actor besides being gorgeous and yes, he has appeared in the requisite literary adaptations that are necessary for a birthday mention in this blog.  One might wish though that Clive would do a few more historical films since he is usually the model for most of the male heroes in the romance novels I read.  Unless they are blond or have some physical characteristic that says they can't be played by Clive Owen, then his is the face I picture as I am reading.

It's a pretty damned good face for a romance hero!  Clive is currently busy filming a  biopic for HBO in which he plays Ernest Hemingway.  I was never a huge Papa fan, but you can bet I'll be waiting most impatiently for this portrayal to hit the screen.

1 comment:

  1. Nice birthday post. Happy birthday, Clive. So pretty. And we saw some jousting today at the Medieval Festival to celebrate!
